Trustees (ID 1215)
Nick CreedTrustee
Nick Creed
- Currently Deputy Head at a school in Berkshire with responsibility for the co-curricular programme.
- Previous roles held at a school in West Sussex include Deputy Head, Housemaster and Assistant Director of Sport.
- Currently a governor at an independent prep school in West Sussex.
Jonathan CurtisTrustee
Jonathan Curtis
- Link Trustee for Kennel Lane School
- 25+ years as an educator in various sectors including public, private, and local authority, with 20+ years in leadership roles across education, corporate and faith based sectors.
- Passionate about appropriate provision for learners, particularly those that are impacted by trauma and disadvantaged starting points.
- Extensive experience enabling leaders, particularly in education, corporate and faith-based communities.
- Lover of family, friendship, dogs, motor racing and Jaffa cakes.
Clare DandoTrustee
Clare Dando
- Link Trustee for The Bulmershe School
- Currently Reducing Parental Conflict Co-ordinator at Bracknell Forest Council
- Previously primary school teacher, SENCo and SEN Mediation Officer at both Wokingham and Bracknell Forest Council
- Vice-Chair of Governors at Kennel Lane School
- Previously co-opted governor at Emmbrook Infants and SEN Governor at Evendons Primary School
Peter FloydCo Vice-Chair of Trustees
Peter Floyd
- Link Trustee for Sandhurst School
- Safeguarding Trustee for Corvus Learning Trust
- Governor at Edgbarrow School 1994-2021
- Business mentor at Edgbarrow School
- Governor at Kennel Lane SEN School
- Previously Lay Member of Bracknell Forest Local Safeguarding Children Board
- Retired from S.C. Johnson Ltd. - employed as Global Lead, Customer Supply Chain Centre of Excellence; - led and developed teams for Mars and S.C. Johnson across various disciplines including sales, production, planning & purchasing, logistics and customer supply chain.
Rachel FrierTrustee
Rachel Frier
- Currently Bursar and Clerk to the Governors at Heathfield School, Ascot an independent boarding and day school for girls aged 11 – 18 years old
- Previously Bursar at an independent day school for girls aged 3 – 18 years old
- Formally, Financial Controller of UK Head office of a global construction company as well as a number of other financial and accounting roles in industry, commerce and financial services
- Fellow Chartered Accountant
Steve JamesCo Vice-Chair of Trustees
Steve James
- Link Trustee for Edgbarrow School
- Retired from NATS, the UK air navigation service provider (ANSP) as Head International Relations
- Co-opted School Governor (Vice-Chair) at Edgbarrow School
- Former Vice Chair of the European Commission Industry Consultation Body
- Previously involved with the Global and European committees of the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
Nino MoscardiniTrustee
Nino Moscardini
- Link Trustee for Oaklands Infants and Junior Schools
- Executive Partner at global research and advisory firm, delivering advice, insight and thought leadership to the c-suite in areas such as technology, digital transformation, M&A, and innovation.
- Senior Pastor Wokingham Vineyard Church (which meets at Edgbarrow School).
- Early career in the UK leading financial services and US based Research & Development laboratories.
- Represented Great Britain at World Championships in Fencing.
Helen ThompsonTrustee
Helen Thompson
- Link Trustee for Hatch Ride Primary School
- Global HR Director with experience in IT, Business Information Services, Telecommunications and
- Financial Services industries.
- Early career in the NHS working in acute care, and community and mental health services sectors.
- Parent of a child who previously attended Oaklands Infants and Oaklands Juniors schools and currently attends Edgbarrow School.
Justine WaightChair of Trustees
Justine Waight
- Former Vice-Chair of Governors at Oaklands Junior School, where she was a Governor for 7 years.
- Other responsibilities included Chair of Curriculum Committee and SEND/Pupil Premium children.
- Former Operations Manager in the Financial Services Industry
- Fulfils various voluntary roles in the community and at her children’s sports clubs.
Natalie WallaceTrustee
Natalie Wallace
- 20 Years experience in primary education having fulfilled a number of roles including Year Group Team Leader in a large Junior School, Whole School Teaching and Learning lead, Advanced Skills Teacher in Maths working with Hampshire LA
- Currently Assistant Headteacher at a primary school in Yateley with a focus on Assessment, Pupil Premium and fulfilling Deputy DSL role